
Health care businesses at risk in House proposal

The health care overhaul bill produced by House Democrats would impose an array of new taxes, fees and government mandates
on major players in the health industry, including drug companies and big medical-device makers headquartered in Indiana.

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Health insurer Anthem’s market share swells

Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc.’s Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield subsidiary claimed 42.5 percent of central Indiana residents
covered by private health insurance
this year, up from 35-percent last year, according to a market research firm.

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TechPoint to focus on IT firms specializing in medical, life sciences sectors

Long tracking the emergence of information technology firms involved in the health and life sciences sector, the state’s
IT trade group, TechPoint, is undergoing a mitosis of sorts to help fuel the trend. It has created Advancing
Life Science & Health Care Information Technology, or ALHIT, which will focus on growing this subset of the IT realm.

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Doctors balk at Senate attempt to cut waste

Some Indianapolis-area doctors fear a bill in the U.S. Senate would botch the way costs for tests and procedures are calculated, and ultimately
lead to a reimbursement system that works worse than the existing system.

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Council tables smoking ban

Efforts to broaden Indianapolis’ workplace smoking ban came up short Monday night as members of the City-County Council voted
to table the proposal. The ordinance would have prohibited patrons from lighting up in bars, bowling alleys and nightclubs,
expanding an existing law that prohibits smoking in most public places, including restaurants that serve minors.

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Burst pipe halts surgeries at Wishard Hospital

Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis closed its main operating rooms and canceled at least 15 surgeries Friday after
a steam pipe burst. Hospital officials say the burst pipe is an example of the infrastructure problems that are prompting
plans for a new facility.

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