
Lilly pays $224,000 to area doctors

It’s no secret that Eli Lilly and Co. is the biggest private employer in the Indianapolis area. But
Lilly also supplemented the incomes of a few dozen local doctors — to the tune of more than $224,000 in just the first

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HICKS: Health care experts make poor economists

In almost every place that two or more Americans gather, health care is debated. Because the bills before Congress are
inaccessible, the debate has shifted instead to principles such as the role of government and individual freedoms. I think this a healthy thing.

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Tenants trickling in to Purdue’s technology center

For a city feverishly growing its technology and life sciences sectors, it seemed a bit anticlimactic last January when
Purdue University dedicated its new technology center with only one tenant. But the lone tenant in the $12.8
million complex, FlamencoNets, a high-tech telecommunications firm, is about to get some company.

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Hill-Rom profit drops, beat expectations

Hill-Rom Holdings Inc. topped analysts’ expectations in its fiscal third
quarter even as hospital-spending cuts clipped its revenue by 9 percent, the company announced late yesterday.

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Study: Health reform would be drag on Indiana economy

If one of the more liberal health care reform proposals becomes law, Hoosier taxpayers would have to spend $425 more per
person every year for the next decade, according to a study released Aug. 4 by Florida-based conservative policy group Arduin
Laffer & Moore Econometrics.

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For Zotec CEO, health care reform cuts both ways

In the eyes of Scott Law, Congress is heading in exactly the wrong direction on health care reform.

But the
CEO of Zotec Partners predicts a big bump in sales for his physician-billing management company if current reform proposals
become law.

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Lilly offering buyouts to 4,000 sales reps

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. today said it is offering buyouts to its U.S. sales force,
with hopes of trimming about 300 sales representatives before a sales restructuring set to begin in January, Reuters reported.

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Dow Chemical seems poised to keep AgroSciences

Midland, Mich.-based Dow Chemical Co. is still considering divesting Indianapolis subsidiary Dow AgroSciences LLC. But
chances that the chemical manufacturing giant will sell its local agricultural chemical and biotech unit appear to have decreased.

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Is Indiana coming out of venture capital swoon?

Carmel-based Dormir LLC’s announcement July 29 of $12 million in venture financing was the second local life sciences
deal announced in July. It could suggest a turnaround from a woeful second-quarter performance, when Indiana life
sciences firms announced zero venture capital deals.

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Lilly’s Effient launch just one of its many challenges

Eli Lilly and Co. has blasted past analysts’ earnings projections for two straight quarters. But if Lilly officials
take that as a sign they can breathe easier, they need only flip through a stack of Wall Street research reports on the company.

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Dow Agro sale still possible, but less likely

Midland, Mich.-based Dow Chemical Co. is still considering divesting Indianapolis subsidiary Dow AgroSciences LLC. But chances
that the chemical manufacturing giant will sell its local agricultural chemical and biotech unit have decreased.

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