
Analysis: Diabetes drug price war likely to claim more casualties

Pharma giant Novo Nordisk announced Thursday that it is cutting 1,000 jobs after slashing forecasts for 2016, citing lower prices for diabetes drugs. Novo and competitors such as Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly will likely have to keep tightening their belts as prices and profit margins fall, experts say.

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The Interview Issue: Dave Ricks

On Jan. 1, Dave Ricks becomes CEO of drugmaker Eli Lilly and Co. as it tries to launch new products after a tough stretch of patent expirations. To prepare, Ricks has spent a lot of time with outgoing CEO John Lechleiter “learning from the master.”

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Mainstreet Property affiliate plans $152M in acquisitions

The deals would swell the holdings of Mainstreet Health Investments, a publicly traded owner of senior care facilities, from 24 properties to 31. The purchases include four properties from Carmel-based Mainstreet Property Group for $92.8 million.

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Indiana hospitals seeing fewer readmissions

A new government report shows that readmissions at Indiana hospitals dipped by 7.5 percent over a five-year period. Nationally, readmission rates fell by 8 percent over the same period.

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