
Counties surrounding Indy lead health rankings

Indiana health officials say newly released county health rankings show three-quarters of the state's residents have adequate access to locations for physical activity, but nearly a third of its adults are obese.

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Member of ABN leadership team dropped from website

Athlete's Business Network, which wants to build a $500 million medical complex at the airport, had listed Scott Gorman as president of its substance-abuse unit. His name was removed after IBJ reported he did not hold a state license in addiction recovery or a college degree.

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IU Health boosts minimum wage to $11 an hour

Many employees already made more than the state and national minimum of $7.25 per hour, but the hospital system said it wanted to be proactive. Workers who already made $11 to $12.99 an hour were also given a raise.

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Lawmakers get more serious about helping addicts

For years, the people concerned with drug abuse and alcoholism nibbled at it only on the margins. Most states, including Indiana, have been far more likely to throw drug users in prison than to get them treatment.

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Indiana fetal remains bill puts spotlight on fetal disposal

Sen. Michael Young, who's sponsoring the bill in the Senate, said the fetus provision is needed in light of state regulators’ recent fine against an Indianapolis-based medical waste disposal company that violated its state permit by accepting fetal remains.

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