
The top-paid doctors at Indy’s hospitals

It took $394,000 to rank in the top 1 percent of U.S. earners in 2013. And more than 100 of the Indiana contingent in that exclusive club were physicians employed by one of the four major hospital systems that operate in the Indianapolis area.

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Indy’s Golden Age in 1920s shows way forward

In the 1920s, Indianapolis was one of the most innovative cities in the nation. But after “the dark tragedy of the roaring twenties,” Indianapolis lost its edginess for decades and only recently has begun to regain it.

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Health insurers press gas on value-based payments

In Indiana, Anthem has struck accountable care organization deals with 14 health care provider groups and signed up nearly 2,900 primary care providers to its medical home program. And it’s pushing for more in the future.

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The price we pay for diabetes

For employer health plans, diabetics generate $10,000 more per year in medical bills than non-diabetics. That means the rise in the prevalence of diabetes over the past 25 years is costing Hoosiers an extra $2.6 billion annually.

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Diabetes drug metformin show promise in cancer

Researchers at Purdue University, the Indiana University School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin discovered a combination of two currently available drugs significantly slowed the growth of late-stage prostate cancer tumors in mice.

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