
Are nurses really overworked and underpaid?

Nurses in Indiana are underpaid, relative to their peers nationally. They are not overworked from a sheer number of hours, but the demands of hospitals nurses have spiked recently, reducing nurses’ margin for caring for patients with a human touch. For a business that competes on service and, increasingly, on price, those are big problems.

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Doctors, nurses flock to Indiana Healthy Indiana Plan

The number of health care providers contracted with the Medicaid managed care plans and Healthy Indiana Patients surged 17 percent in just seven weeks after the federal government approved Gov. Mike Pence’s expansion of the Healthy Indiana Plan on Jan. 27.

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IU Health fires nurse who was part of union organizing

The fired nurse, Lacie Little, was one of two nurses quoted in an IBJ story that broke the news of the attempt to organize a nurse union at IU Health’s downtown hospitals. The union working with the IU Health nurses has filed an unfair labor practices charge.

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Colleges getting out of health insurance business

The main driver of colleges getting out of the insurance business is a provision in the Affordable Care Act that prevents students from using premium tax subsidies to purchase insurance from their college or university.

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Semper Reformanda

Think we’re almost done with changes from Obamacare? Think again. Things won’t settle down any sooner than 2017, and they could actually get even wilder after that.

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IU Health nurses to vote on union

Nurses at Indiana University Health’s downtown hospitals are moving quickly to form a union in a bid they say is designed to improve their own working conditions and pay and to improve care for patients.

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Potential Alzheimer’s drug further backs protein hypothesis

The results of an experimental drug for Alzheimer’s disease provide the best evidence so far that the memory-robbing condition is caused by an errant protein in the brain. Drugmakers including Eli Lilly have been concentrating their Alzheimer’s research on that area.

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