
Health VC dollars tripled in Indiana

Indiana’s health care companies attracted $103.8 million in investments last year, the highest total since attracting 2007. However, all but $3 million of last year’s investments came during the first six months of the year and Indiana continued to lag other Midwest states.

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The Billion Dollar Decision

When the U.S. Supreme Court hands down its ruling on Obamacare’s tax credits, it could zap nearly $1 billion from Hoosiers’ finances. In fact, Hoosiers buyers on Obamacare’s exchanges have more to lose, as a percentage of their incomes, than the residents of all states other than Alaska and Mississippi.

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UPDATE: Lilly says it couldn’t have made tainted Cialis

A batch of Cialis pills, purportedly made at a plant in Australia, was banned by the FDA from entering the U.S. after the pills were found to contain the active ingredient for rival drug Viagra. Cialis manufacturer Eli Lilly said it doesn’t make any drugs in Australia.

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Hoosier hospitals create new tool to help health care shoppers

Recognizing that more and more Hoosier patients are trying to shop for health care, the Indiana Hospital Association has created a web tool with price and quality information for all hospitals around the state. But bigger changes to the health care system will be needed before consumers have the kind of information they expect in other industries.

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Study: Nursing home building boom is costing state millions

The state Medicaid program will pay $24 million more due to the nursing home building boom that occurred in 2014, according to an analysis by accounting firm Myers & Stauffer. The nursing home industry will use that figure to once again argue for halt to new construction.

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Obamacare brings boost to WellPoint

WellPoint’s stock price rose 53 percent from Sept. 30, 2013—the day before the Obamacare insurance exchanges started up—until Dec. 19, 2014, when the price closed at $127.95.

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2014 NEWSMAKER: Zeke Turner

Zeke Turner, CEO of Carmel-based Mainstreet, stepped up expansion after he beat back a legislative push by nursing home companies to place a moratorium on new construction.

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