
Obama lauds former CEO as right choice to fix VA

A former Army captain, Robert McDonald would bring a blend of corporate and military experience to a bureaucracy reeling from revelations of chronic, system-wide failure and veterans dying while on long waiting lists for treatment.

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There will be blood

A new study found that common blood tests performed by hospital-owned facilities in the Indianapolis area were six to nine times more expensive than the same tests at independent lab facilities. Ouch!

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How to judge Obamacare

Health care and health insurance were a mess long before Obamacare—and on a path to getting messier. That makes it awfully difficult to figure out how much blame and credit to give the law as it plays out in the marketplace. Here's my approach.

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VA: 65 percent of senior executives got bonuses

About 65 percent of senior executives at the Veterans Affairs Department got performance bonuses last year despite widespread treatment delays and preventable deaths at VA hospitals and clinics, the agency said.

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Budget leaders examine Healthy Indiana financing

Members of the State Budget Committee took a detailed look Friday at how Gov. Mike Pence would pay for "Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0," his proposal to expand insurance coverage using a state-run plan instead of traditional Medicaid.

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IU Health to merge 2 downtown hospitals

Indiana University Health wants to merge two of its big downtown hospitals—University and Methodist—into one location, meaning either one or both would close or be converted to another use.

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