Lab software firm raises $8.5M, names new CEO
A San Diego venture capital firm has made a big bet on Indigo BioSystems Inc., which just installed its founder as the new chief executive.
A San Diego venture capital firm has made a big bet on Indigo BioSystems Inc., which just installed its founder as the new chief executive.
A study has found that most doctors in Indiana aren't frequently using an electronic system designed to detect prescription drug abuse.
The decision to collect cases before one court comes after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it will re-examine the safety of testosterone-replacement drugs after studies showed the medicine posed an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
When the next enrollment season opens for the Obamacare exchange in Indiana, more than half the “health insurers” will actually be doctors and hospitals.
While the biggest hospital profit margins are made in the suburbs, the biggest pile of cash—$353 million in 2012—is made at the three downtown campuses run by Indiana University Health. In fact, those hospitals generated 32 percent of all operating gains posted by central Indiana hospitals in 2012.
The senators planned to submit a letter Thursday to Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson requesting a review of Indiana facilities after a May 20 request to former Secretary Eric Shinseki went unanswered. Shinseki resigned last week.
Cornerstone Cos. plans to locate the $11 million project near Interstate 69.
A government document provided to The Associated Press indicates that at least 2 million people enrolled for taxpayer-subsidized private health insurance have data discrepancies in their applications.
Indiana will receive part of the settlement money. The accord will prohibit Glaxo from providing incentive payments to salespeople that encourage uses of the drugs not indicated on their labels.
The Department of Veterans Affairs maintained 10 such "secret waiting lists" of military veterans in need of care at facilities in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, the letters said.
A bill proposed by four Senate Republicans would give veterans more flexibility to see a private doctor if they are forced to wait too long for an appointment at a Veterans Affairs hospital or clinic.
After raising $1.8 million via the Internet for a new nursing home in Bloomington, the Carmel-based developer thinks it has found a more efficient source of fundraising for further construction.
Two new studies show that Americans have every economic incentive to consume too much food and then, when that overeating creates health problems for them, to consume lots of health care to fix it.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned Friday after publicly apologizing for systemic problems plaguing the agency's health care system.
With new cancer drugs priced as high as $10,000 a month, and insurers tightening payment rules, patients who thought they were well covered increasingly find themselves having to make life-altering decisions about what they can afford.
The Indiana University School of Medicine will help oversee a three-year, $30 million concussion study being funded by the Indianapolis-based NCAA and the U.S. Defense Department.
Health care professionals and advocates for the poor voiced praise and support Wednesday for a plan by Gov. Mike Pence to expand the state’s Healthy Indiana Plan to provide more insurance coverage to Hoosiers.
Indiana ranks 10th in the nation for the highest spending on health care and 10th in the nation for the number of adults missing six or more teeth. That’s not a coincidence. Hoosiers do a poor job of taking care of themselves, and we end up paying for it in higher taxes and health insurance premiums.
Getting everyone into the same room prior to surgeries is cutting costs and improving health.
The 5-year-old firm has pledged to invest $20 million to double the size of its corporate headquarters in Indianapolis and lease real estate for a series of 3,500-square-foot health clinics across the state.