
Settlement seeks $100M fund for meningitis victims

A settlement filed with a federal bankruptcy judge would create a fund of more than $100 million to compensate victims of a nationwide meningitis outbreak linked to a Massachusetts pharmacy, lawyers said Tuesday. The outbreak sickened dozens in Indiana and killed at least 10.

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Insurers say most Obamacare enrollees paying premiums

Three large health insurers including Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. and Aetna Inc. say that a high percentage of their new Obamacare customers are paying their first premiums, partly undermining a Republican criticism of enrollment in the program.

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Veterans Affairs department rejects call for leader to quit

The Indianapolis-based American Legion, the nation's largest veterans service group, called Monday for the resignations of U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and two of his top aides amid an investigation into allegations of corruption and unnecessary deaths.

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A silver lining for Endocyte

The news this morning couldn’t have been worse for Endocyte Inc. But if it had to come, the timing couldn’t have been better–because it allowed Endocyte to raise a pile of cash to spend on the other drugs in its pipeline.

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Indiana signups lag for federal health care law

Data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that a total of nearly 230,000 Indiana residents were eligible to enroll in a marketplace plan, but only about 132,000 had done so by the March 31 deadline.

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Enough blame to go around

A new report from the Commonwealth Fund provides plenty to criticize everyone involved in health care in Indiana: It shows health care costs run higher in Indiana than the rest of the country while patients’ health and the quality of health care providers in some key areas are worse.

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Drug prices surge as generics, niche treatments eat profit

Since 2007, the cost of brand-name medicines has jumped, with prices doubling for dozens of established drugs that target everything from multiple sclerosis to cancer, blood pressure and even erections, according to an analysis conducted for Bloomberg News.

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