
Hurdles remain for Roche Diagnostics on HPV test

Roche could enjoy a huge increase in sales of its HPV tests if all doctors and women followed a recommendation issued last week by an advisory committee at the FDA. But wrinkles in the U.S. health care system still present several big obstacles.

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Biomet plans $40.5 million upgrade, 150 jobs

Biomet’s project calls for building renovations and adding 3-D printing and optical scanning technology. The Warsaw-based company would also upgrade an incubation center for surgeons interested in introducing a new product, technology or technique.

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Republicans needed to make Obamacare work

Obama’s latest delay of Obamacare insurance rules could sabotage the law’s exchanges. The president must be counting on Republican critics, like Indiana Insurance Commissioner Stephen Robertson, to stop him.

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Timing looks right for Biomet IPO

After private equity firms paid $11.4 billion for Biomet Inc. just months before the onset of a prolonged downturn, they are now trying to take the company public when U.S. consumer sentiment is on the upswing.

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Health insurance brokers must change to survive

Employees, rather than employers, will soon choose their own health insurers—either through the Obamacare exchanges or through private exchanges. Does that mean health insurance brokers, the people who match up employers with insurers, will no longer be needed?

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Two-year extension offered for canceled health plans

The extension was part of a major package of regulations that sets ground rules for 2015, the second year of government-subsidized health insurance markets under Obama's law — and the first year that larger employers will face a requirement to provide coverage.

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