
Life sciences jobs pack 2-for-1 punch

While life sciences companies don’t rack up huge jobs numbers, their relatively high pay means that every job they create is worth two in the rest of the private sector.

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UIndy plans $50M in expansion projects

The bulk of the money, to be spent over five years, will go to a 134,000-square-foot health sciences center, which will provide training space for the university’s nursing, physical therapy and other health care students.

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What happens if Pence, Sebelius can’t make a deal?

Even if Gov. Mike Pence and Obama’s health secretary can’t come to terms this weekend, there are ideas bouncing around the state legislature that suggest other ways Indiana could expand coverage to low-income Hoosiers.

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The weightlessness of Obamacare

Rich employer benefits are not always so attractive, sick patients are not always money losers for insurers, and hospitals and doctors are now health care preventers rather than health care providers. This is the bizarre world to which Obamacare has brought us.

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