
Drug prices rise ahead of rebates

Drug prices rose faster last year than they have in a decade—just in time for big rebates the drug industry promised
as part of the health reform law.

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Q&A: Jim Parker

Jim Parker was an executive at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and WellPoint for 14 years, including a year and a half as
chief of staff to CEO Angela Braly. He now is president of his own consulting firm, Meridian Strategic Advisors, in Indianapolis.
He spoke about the impact of the new health reform law on health insurers.

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Employers want cake, and to eat it, too

Employers are still trying to get their arms around what the new health insurance law will mean for them. But on the eve of
the law's passage last month, a survey by Indianapolis-based United Benefit Advisors LLC showed employers as a group had
no hope the law would reduce their costs but also no coherent plan for reforming the current system.

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Study: Ditch reform, add public option

In poll after poll, calls for repealing the new health insurance law get strong support. But if the law were repealed, an
Indiana University survey released this week shows that Americans want a surprising thing in its place: a public option.

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Docs fear reform will exacerbate ER overuse

One of the most agreed-upon reasons for health care reform was the expensive overuse of the emergency room by uninsured patients.
But two Hoosier ER docs—one conservative, one liberal—say the implementation of ObamaCare will leave that fundamental
problem unresolved.

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Indiana freezes some medical savings account rolls

The new federal health care bill will put 500,000 more Indiana residents on Medicaid and lead to higher state taxes, Gov.
Mitch Daniels said Monday, but a government insurance proponent said it will help families and businesses.

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