Fishers health-care talent agency planning to add 25 jobs
The company could receive up to $1.025 million in state tax credits as part of its expansion plans, which include adding 2,000 square feet to its Fishers office.
The company could receive up to $1.025 million in state tax credits as part of its expansion plans, which include adding 2,000 square feet to its Fishers office.
The move represents a formidable challenge to pharmacy chains including Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. and CVS Health Corp., the two largest drugstore chains in the United States.
Many families are hard-pressed to meet soaring deductibles and have put off routine care or skipped medication to save money. The resulting health problems can be enormously costly for the medical system.
The Food and Drug Administration approved the medication, called Epidiolex, to treat two rare forms of epilepsy in patients 2 years and older.
James Burkhart, who pleaded guilty to fraud, will be sentenced June 27 in federal court. His lawyers are asking for a four-year sentence.
The Indianapolis-based health system is under pressure from parent Ascension to cut costs, and has signaled in recent months that it plans to transform its delivery system.
Dakich, 55, used chewing tobacco through his 30s and most of his 40s, before he quit and launched an anti-tobacco campaign that now includes on-air and print ads.
Franciscan Health is the undisputed king of south-side health care providers, but its executives see a huge opportunity to expand services even farther south into fast-growing Johnson County.
The Trump administration's latest move against "Obamacare" could jeopardize legal protections on pre-existing medical conditions for millions of people with employer coverage, particularly workers in small businesses, say law and insurance experts.
The region got a boost from being home to pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co., along with numerous contract research organizations, suppliers and testers.
The investors in Scioto Biosciences include locally based Elevate Ventures, a private venture development organization; locally based BioCrossroads, a public-private collaboration that supports Indiana's life-sciences sector; and Ohio-based Rev1 Ventures.
Concordance Health Solutions’ Smart Med Reminder system reminds patients to take their meds and alerts caregivers or providers when an intervention is needed.
An independent data-monitoring committee found that the medicine, lanabecestat, was unlikely to meet the goals of the studies, one for early Alzheimer’s and the other for mild dementia related to the disease.
Police say the demonstrators, some in wheelchairs, were arrested Sunday for trespassing after receiving several warnings.
The orthopedic care provider plans to build multiple medical office buildings in Fishers as part of a new 37-acre health care-focused business park.
The insurer is asking for a zoning variance to install a fenced-in lot covered by solar panels on a grassy space off Virginia Avenue.
A northern Indiana college has won its long-running lawsuit seeking religious exemption from paying for employees' birth control under former President Barack Obama's health care law.
The Indianapolis-based health system said it will continue to study possibilities for the land after neighbors objected to plans calling for nine buildings and four parking garages that carried an estimated price tag of $1 billion.
In a letter to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, the company said “changing business needs require us to reduce operations at this facility.”
The Indianapolis-based drugmaker has been working for years to develop the much-anticipated drug, which some analysts had said might ring up $2 billion a year in sales.