
New type of cholesterol drug shows promise in study

The results have immediate implications for 1 million Americans who suffer mild heart attacks or chest pain each year. They may also make it easier for other experimental medicines from companies such as Eli Lilly to reach patients.

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Health law faces higher bar in second sign-up season

Version 2.0 of President Barack Obama’s health insurance overhaul represents another chance to win over a skeptical public. But more than possible computer woes lurk as’s second open enrollment season begins Nov. 15.

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Health care overhaul doubts ease for insurers

Health insurers such as WellPoint Inc. entered last fall cautious about a major coverage expansion initiated by the health care overhaul, but are finding the challenges more manageable than expected.

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Thousands affected by Medicaid eligibility change

A change in how eligibility for Medicaid is determined could save Indiana $26 million this fiscal year by pushing thousands of residents off coverage but providing first-time benefits to even more at lower costs.

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