2014 Health Care Heroes: Timmy Global Health
Community Achievement in Health Care Finalist
Community Achievement in Health Care Finalist
Pharmacists would be able to substitute an interchangeable biosimilar drug for a prescribed name-brand product under a bill passed by the Indiana House of Representatives on Tuesday.
The Indianapolis drugmaker said dulaglutide performed as well as Victoza, a best-selling drug for Type 2 diabetics made by Denmark-based Novo Nordisk. Analysts think dulaglutide could reach annual sales of $1.5 billion.
The Obama administration’s delays of Obamacare’s employer mandate penalties mean it will be another year or two before hospitals see the additional revenue the law was supposed to bring them.
Eli Lilly and Co. is buying a privately held, poultry-vaccine maker based in Germany to strengthen its Elanco animal health subsidiary.
The bulk of the money, to be spent over five years, will go to a 134,000-square-foot health sciences center, which will provide training space for the university’s nursing, physical therapy and other health care students.
The construction ban is at the center of an ongoing debate between the state's existing nursing homes and developers leading a wave of construction, including Zeke Turner of Mainstreet Property Group.
House Bill 1258 would allow the large health insurer Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield to launch a pilot program using the Live Health Online technology it has developed with Massachusetts-based software firm American Well Corp.
Most Americans are avoiding the lowest-priced health plans on the Obamacare insurance exchanges, taking advantage of government subsidies to seek more protection against high treatment costs.
Shares of Eli Lilly and Co. rose as much as 3.8 percent Wednesday morning after the Indianapolis-based drugmaker revealed that an experimental drug boosted overall survival among lung cancer patients in a large trial.
Nearly two-thirds of the state’s nursing homes are now participating in partnerships with county-owned hospitals that effectively double their profit margins.
The Obama administration Monday granted employers another delay in a heavily criticized requirement that medium-to-larger firms cover their workers or face fines.
Carmel-based developer Mainstreet Property Group announced Friday that it will open seven more health care facilities for Hoosier seniors this year and another 17 on top of that by 2016.
The new two-year agreement gives UnitedHealthcare discounted rates retroactive to Jan. 1. Such discounts, which insurers negotiate with hospital systems, reduce prices 30 percent or more.
Abbott Laboratories and AbbVie Inc., the company it spun off last year, hid the dangers of using the testosterone replacement drug AndroGel, five men claim in lawsuits.
The uninsured aren’t scattered evenly across the country: half of them live in just 116 of the nation’s 3,143 counties. Federal officials are focusing on 25 key metro areas, including Indianapolis.
Several million American workers will cut back their hours on the job or leave the nation's workforce entirely because of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, congressional analysts said Tuesday.
Eli Lilly and Co., Pfizer Inc. and eight other large drugmakers will partner with the U.S. government in a $230 million effort to identify new approaches to treat Alzheimer’s, diabetes, lupus and arthritis.
Testosterone drugs, which make up a growing market for pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly, are getting a closer look from U.S. regulators.
Residents across Indiana are treading lightly when considering buying health insurance through the federal health exchange as they move toward a March 31 deadline to enroll.