
About 1 in 10 firms plans to drop coverage

Even as the rising cost of medical benefits has moderated, 11 percent of Indiana employers with 10 or more workers say they will terminate their medical coverage within the next five years, according to the latest survey from the benefits consulting firm Mercer.

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Medicaid expansion could cost $54M a year

A new set of projections released Monday estimates that expanding Medicaid coverage as called for in President Obama’s 2010 health reform law would cost the state government less than $54 million per year on average over the next decade—far lower than projections issued by the actuarial firm hired by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ administration.

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Assessment fees benefit Indy hospitals

IU Health and Community enjoyed net gains of $267 million and $23 million, respectively, from the hospital assessment fee program during the fiscal year ended June 30.

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SCHAFIR: Businesses face tough decisions over health care

Now that the election is over, it seems clearer that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, will likely move forward. The question is whether business owners will be able to steer their employees to state exchanges and wash their hands of health care coverage.

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Cook wins approval for new stent

Bloomington-based Cook Medical won approval for the first drug-coated stent for clogged leg arteries in the United States, which accounts for 40 percent of the soon-to-be $3 billion market.

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Pence solidifies opposition to state exchange

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence closed the door on a state-run health insurance exchange Thursday, arguing that the estimated $50 million cost of the state program was not worth the limited autonomy granted in return.

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Indy loses promising health startup

LabDoor, which soon will launch an iPhone app that assigns A-F grades to over-the-counter vitamins and medicines, moved last month from Indianapolis to San Francisco, where it received $100,000 in startup financing.

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