
UPDATE: WellPoint to boost primary-care pay

Health insurer WellPoint Inc. plans to improve primary care reimbursement and start paying for care management it doesn’t currently cover, changes that could give patients more quality time with their doctors.

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French breast-implant recall could sway U.S. device debate

U.S. medical device makers have spent the last year urging government officials to approve high-risk products faster, like their European counterparts. A scandal over leaking breast implants made in France, however, may make the argument more difficult.

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Pressure rises as Lilly tries squeeze play

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. is now in the predicament of watching revenue fall as its patents on older products expire, even as the company needs to spend more money on marketing and research to boost sales of new drugs.

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Walgreen expects to lose most Express Scripts biz

Drugstore operator Walgreen Co. said Thursday it expects to lose almost 90 percent of prescriptions handled by pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts Inc. after it leaves Express Scripts' networks on Jan. 1.

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Lilly losing dominance in diabetes treatment

Eli Lilly and Co., after more than a decade of setbacks, is counting on diabetes to help it survive a string of patent losses on other products that have begun to sap the drugmaker’s sales.

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Dr. Bryan Schneider, a professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine, led a team of researchers in identifying genetic variations that dispose some breast cancer patients to neuropathy when they are receiving chemotherapy with the drug Taxol. Schneider’s research was named one of the biggest advances in cancer research this year by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The society’s foundation also gave Schneider a three-year, $450,000 grant to further the research.

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