
IU Health reports most serious medical errors

Indiana’s largest and busiest medical system committed 19 preventable errors last year at its hospitals in Indianapolis and other cities, three fewer than in 2009, according to a report released Monday.

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Feds reject Indiana request for health care exemption

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Monday rejected Indiana's bid for an exemption from federal health care overhaul rules that require insurers selling policies to individuals to essentially dedicate 80 percent of the premiums they collect to medical care.

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Drugmakers, pharmacists at odds

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. recently rejected CVS Caremark’s demands for big price discounts on its insulins, leading CVS to kick Lilly’s insulins off its list of recommended drugs.

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Brokers get hope on commissions

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners passed a resolution Nov. 22 that urges Congress and the Obama administration to exclude benefits brokers’ commissions from the new requirement that insurers spend only 15 percent to 20 percent of the premiums they collect on administration and profits.

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Health insurers push comparison shopping

Indianapolis-based Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Minnesota-based UnitedHealthcare say they’re responding to demands from employers, who are desperate to rein in spiraling health benefits costs and have begun embracing the idea that to do so they must change their workers’ approach to health and health care.

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UnitedHealth to acquire Medicare insurer XLHealth

UnitedHealth Group Inc. said it will acquire XLHealth Corp., a provider of managed care for chronically ill Medicare members. Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. had been considering a possible acquisition of the company.

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Potential Lilly drug doubles good cholesterol

Eli Lilly and Co.’s experimental drug doubled levels of good cholesterol in a study, setting up a race with Merck & Co. and Roche Holding AG to develop a new class of medicines to lower heart risk.

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Potential Effient rival shows promise in study

A study showing Johnson & Johnson and Bayer AG’s blood-thinner Xarelto succeeded where rival drugs failed could give the companies entry to a $1 billion-plus market where Eli Lilly already competes.

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