
Columbus hospital suing FEMA for $17.1 million

Federal lawsuit, which stems from June 2008 flood that caused $167 million in damages and business income losses, alleges FEMA failed to pay the full amount the hospital is owed in federal funding.

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Building binge hasn’t crimped hospital profits

Indianapolis-area hospitals spent billions on construction in the past decade and increasingly tried to poach patients from one another’s territories. Yet last year—one of the worst economically in recent history—21 of 26 hospitals still were able to show operating profits.

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Bill could make health workers pay for FBI checks

The bill has the potential to affect more than 250,000 Indiana workers in up to 24 categories of licensed professionals, including doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, chiropractors, hypnotists, dietitians and even veterinarians.

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St. Vincent seeks growth in transplants

St. Vincent Health is moving aggressively to expand its transplant program in a direct challenge to Clarian Health’s dominance
in the field. The Indianapolis-based hospital system filed in July for permission to conduct pancreas transplants. And down
the road, it’s eyeing liver and maybe even lung transplants.

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Lilly halts development of Alzheimer’s drug

Studies showed that the treatment did not slow the disease's progression. It's just the latest setback for the pharmaceutical
giant, which lost a patent lawsuit over a major drug last week and faces an unprecedented number of patent expirations through

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Former commerce chief lands at local company

Nate Feltman, former state secretary of commerce, has left his partnership position at Baker & Daniels LLP to become president
of Home Health Depot LLP, a
growing home-medical-equipment supplier.

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