
UPDATE: NCAA player graduation rates on the rise

College athletes are graduating at record numbers and with better rates than non-athletes, according to new statistics released Tuesday by the Indianapolis-based NCAA. Critics are balking at the interpretation of those numbers.

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Daniels clarifies remarks about regional campuses

President Mitch Daniels said Purdue University's regional campuses should conduct research specific to their missions, clarifying recent remarks on the topic in a letter to four Fort Wayne faculty members Monday.

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UIndy receives $3M to launch MBA for school leaders

The goal of the education MBA programs is to equip school leaders with business-type skills to lead well-funded schools to compete better internationally and to help the impoverished students in urban and rural schools catch up with their suburban peers.

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Study: IU, Purdue rank best in return on investment

Big budgets used to rule in college rankings. But that could be changing. A new report from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education is the latest effort among several nationally to score universities on their bang for the buck.

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