
Daniels names interim Hoosier Lottery director

Megan Ornellas will serve as interim director of the Hoosier Lottery until a replacement can be found for Kathryn Densborn, who resigned following a flap over her lavish spending on a new headquarters.

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FEIGENBAUM: Historic milestone in gambling industry approaches

Indiana has made billions on gambling in nearly two decades, funding key programs, cutting excise and property taxes, and
avoiding tax hikes. The state has seen more than $2 billion in investment without any government incentives,
and more dollars committed in our history than by any industry outside of steel, power and autos.

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Daniels still wants more from lottery, through privatizing or bond issue

Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels is building his campaign for re-election in part on another attempt to cash in a jackpot on the Hoosier Lottery. This time, he’s hedging his bet. In case leasing the Hoosier Lottery outright to a private operator is politically impossible, Daniels is exploring a major bond issue backed by its future revenue.

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