
Evans dreams big as Clarian becomes IU Health

Clarian Health, which is set to change its name to Indiana University Health on Jan. 24, is relying on the academic expertise of its downtown Indianapolis hospitals to pull in patients from a wider swath of the state and the nation.

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New doc lifts Community breast biz

Community Health Network wooed Dr. Robert J. Goulet Jr. to join its breast-surgery team from the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. The move fits nicely with Community’s focus on breast-care services and the economics of health care.

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Latest iPhone app: Baby EKG

Mobile medicine has arrived. Decatur County Memorial Hospital in Greensburg became the first hospital in Indiana to start using AirStrip OB, a patient-monitoring system that sends things like the heartbeat waves of patients directly to physicians’ iPhones, BlackBerrys or other mobile devices.

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Clarian, Morgan clear way for merger

The merger of Morgan Hospital & Medical Center into Clarian Health got the go-ahead from all parties in the past week, opening the way for Morgan to bring on new doctors to its facilities.

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St. Francis covets Greenwood’s growth

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is going to build a new ER and medical office complex near Greenwood: The area has been growing over the past decade 10 times faster than the city of Indianapolis.

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Clarian grows market share to 40 percent

Clarian Health has been growing faster than its peers in the Indianapolis market the past five years and is now generating healthy margins, according to a report this month by Moody’s Investors Service.

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