
Indiana panel advances $30B budget on partisan vote

A pair of Republican senators argued Tuesday for the personal income tax cut that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has made his top priority, while House Republicans across the hall advanced a budget that swaps that cut for education and roads spending.

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Report backs simpler Indiana local tax system

A new report on Indiana's local income taxes urges state legislators to simplify a system that has seven types of taxes and a two-year lag before the money collected by the state is distributed to local governments.

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Gubernatorial rivals eager to cut taxes

Indiana’s major-party candidates for governor can’t bestow a job upon every unemployed Hoosier, but each has offered what he considers the next-best thing: at least $500 million in tax cuts.

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Obama to seek new income tax rate for wealthy

The president is going to call it the “Buffett Rule” for Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor who has complained that rich people like him pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-class taxpayers.

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Shrinking revenue puts Ballard in hot seat

A drop in local income-tax revenue could put Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard between a familiar political rock and hard place as he faces re-election. Next year’s budgets must be approved in October, when Ballard’s race with Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy will be in the home stretch.

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Showdown looming over Marion County income tax

More agencies will be vying for a piece of the city’s income-tax revenue as next year’s budget process begins. But with that money flat-lined next year, city leaders say there may not be enough to share.

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State takes in $150M more than expected in May

Sales tax collections were $28 million above May collections last year, and individual income tax collections were $177 million above the same time in 2010. Strong employment and income growth had a lot to do with it.

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Task force endorses regional taxes for mass transit

After 30 years of government
studies of a regional transportation system, a private-sector group on Wednesday is set to unveil its own
plan that includes commuter rail and toll lanes added to congested interstate highways.

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