IPL retirees, union continue fight over plan funding
Retirees re-energize legal battle against IPL, seek rehearing in Court of Appeals over post-retirement funding case that could
cost utility $100 million.
Retirees re-energize legal battle against IPL, seek rehearing in Court of Appeals over post-retirement funding case that could
cost utility $100 million.
Carolene Mays plans to leave the Indianapolis newspaper after being named to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
Gov. Mitch Daniels has appointed former Democratic state Rep. Carolene Mays of Indianapolis to the Indiana Utility Regulatory
Indiana Court of Appeals upholds utility commission ruling favorable to IPL. Although court does "not condone" IPL’s action in the retirement benefits case, it gives deference to the commission.
The Indiana Utility Shareholders Association aims to be the “collective voice” of investors
in four of the big utilities operating in Indiana.
Indianapolis Power & Light Co. made the claim in testimony submitted to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission as part
of a hearing investigating complaints that the utility’s tree-trimming policies are too aggressive.
The utility that asked state regulators permission to have customers pay $121 million for a geological study now seeks $42
The Hoosier Environmental Council and Citizens Action Coalition see an expansion of the state’s
“net metering” policy as achievable during the short legislative session that starts Jan.
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s goal is annual statewide energy savings of 2 percent within a decade.
The state’s utility consumer agency is opposing Duke Energy’s request to have customers pay $121 million to
study where to inject underground the carbon dioxide to be produced by its Edwardsport plant.
Every neighborhood has its battles, but the 1,017-resident Centennial subdivision in Westfield is embroiled in one of the
most unusual: a very public fight over the adequacy of its phone, Internet and video service.
The city too often relied on the Department of Waterworks’ board, on consultants and on the private
operator, Veolia Water, rather than on the department’s own staff “to ensure safe and efficient
operation, maintenance and management” of Indianapolis Water. That’s one of several critical
findings of a consultant hired by the department and filed as part of a 35-percent rate-hike request
pending before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor is seeking public input on a proposed rate hike by American Water Inc.,
which has 283,000 customers in the state, including in Noblesville and Greenwood.
The Indianapolis Department of Waterworks today unveiled a capital-improvements proposal that would raise water rates for
the average residential customer by 35 percent, or $8 a month.
Already swamped with higher debt costs due to a bond refinancing fiasco, the city’s Department of Waterworks is asking
the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to OK a rate hike to pay for capital projects.
After two years of fruitless negotiations, the Crawfordsville steel mill has asked the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
to intervene. More than 700 jobs depend on Nucor and Duke striking a deal.
Veolia Water Indianapolis, which manages the city’s water utility, has appealed an order issued by state utility regulators
that limited a major rate increase sought by the city.
A municipality has filed the first formal complaint against a cable television operator since state telecommunications reform
three years ago unplugged local government oversight of operators.
Duke Energy has proposed spending $121 million to study the feasibility of injecting carbon dioxide deep underground, adding
1 percent to the average ratepayer’s bill between 2010 and 2013.
Indianapolis Power & Light could have been on the hook for more than $100 million in retirement benefits, but a ruling this month by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission allows IPL to keep the money.