
Concerns raised over possible rate hike for electric cars

The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor and Rep. Cherrish Pryor are both voicing concerns about a potential rate increase proposed by Indianapolis Power & Light that could help fund some of the start-up costs for the BlueIndy electric-car-sharing project.

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State agency fights utility rates for electric cars

Indianapolis Power & Light Co. has requested a rate increase to help pay for its part in setting up charging stations for electric cars that drivers could rent as part of the BlueIndy program, a partnership between the city and the France-based Bollore Group.

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Court deciding if ex-regulator should face charges

The crux of the argument is whether David Lott Hardy, who was fired by then-Gov. Mitch Daniels as part of an ethical scandal that eventually also cost three Duke Energy officials their jobs, should be charged with felony misconduct when he did not commit an actual crime.

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