
WellPoint meeting ends abruptly as Bush collapses

Board member William “Bucky” Bush, uncle of former President George W. Bush, appeared OK after a shortened meeting in which
shareholders approved
a “say-on-pay” proposal. Protesters gathered outside WellPoint’s headquarters after the meeting.

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Sebelius sees insurers as health reform partners

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said having insurers as "good partners" is part of health
care reform, but she made no promises Friday to tone down criticism of an industry the Obama administration has attacked repeatedly.

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Renamed Conseco OK with less-flashy future

CNO Financial Group Inc., known as Conseco Inc. until May 11, has become almost the polar opposite of what it was under flashy co-founder
Steve Hilbert. Instead of high-octane growth driven by merger deals, CNO Financial has returned to profitability
by selling low-dollar products and emphasizing low-cost operations.

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Conseco profit edges analyst expectations

The Carmel-based life and health insurer earned $33.9 million in the quarter, more than 38 percent higher than during the
same quarter a year earlier. Nearly all of that increase, however, was due to lower losses on investments and debt modifications.

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Dr. Stanley Adkins is chief medical officer of Indianapolis-based AmeriVeriCR, a startup that uses software to review medical
claims for errors. With health care reform and a new, larger set of
diagnosis codes phasing in over the next few years, AmeriVeri is betting that demand for its service will increase.

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Anthem Blue Cross postponing rate hike again

In January, Anthem Blue Cross notified many individual policyholders that their rates would rise as much as 39 percent March
1. After a public outcry, the company announced a two-month delay. Now that is on hold, too.

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