KIM: Buffett says to focus on the ‘forest,’ appreciate ‘The American Tailwind’
Rational people don’t risk what they have and need for what they don’t have and don’t need.”
Rational people don’t risk what they have and need for what they don’t have and don’t need.”
Everyone needs a financial plan, but not everyone needs a financial adviser. At times, it is OK to go it alone, and other times you could benefit from sound advice from a fiduciary adviser.
the only risk-less option giving you immediate access to your funds is a traditional bank savings account earning essentially 0 percent interest. Or is it?
How can you manage money disagreements and keep your relationship on track?
We all need to realize nobody is immune to a sudden job loss or other income interruption.
People mistakenly believe a large windfall will solve their problems, but if they are not prepared, it can have a dark side.
Jack Bogle, the inventor of index mutual funds, said just weeks before his death on Jan. 16 at age 89 that index funds had become the “most successful innovation in modern financial history”.
behaviors gained to help live a healthier life can also be used to improve financial health.
Focus on what you can control and try not to fret about what you can’t. Extreme short-term volatility can be a gift to long-term investors, if you let it.
Sort through and prioritize multiple requests you might receive to make sure your money is going where it will make the most impact.
It is so easy to get caught up in the hunt and forget why an item you didn’t know existed 20 minutes before now feels like a necessary purchase.
With college costs escalating rapidly, reducing future debt by starting to save as much and as soon as you can for a child’s college education is vitally important.
We so often look at the world and our personal situation and see what’s wrong or what’s missing. Gratitude is an ongoing action, a state of being or a way of life.
You might not realize it, but when you decided to invest in stocks, you bought a ticket to ride an emotional roller-coaster.
Learn about elder abuse and be proactive in financially protecting loved ones.
Cannabis may be the wave of the future, but that doesn’t mean the stocks are a good investment.
Risk tolerance, risk capacity and risk perception are the fundamental elements of your risk profile. The best way to construct your portfolio and ensure you can hang on for the whole ride is when you evaluate and discuss these risk elements individually and not as a composite assessment.
The fact remains that both the stock market’s advance from the March 2009 lows and the economic expansion are long in the tooth.
We are now in the, “We know it is coming; we just don’t know when” phase.
When a company raises capital to fund its growth by selling stock to the public, part of the bargain is that it incurs obligations to disclose certain information to investors that is reliable.