KIM: Fear of trade war rocks stocks, investor confidence
We hope/believe much of this talk is “saber-rattling” and posturing ahead of negotiations that will occur between the United States and China in the coming weeks.
We hope/believe much of this talk is “saber-rattling” and posturing ahead of negotiations that will occur between the United States and China in the coming weeks.
Just because volatility increases in the stock market doesn’t mean you will lose money or that your investments are riskier.
The results under the current “do it yourself” retirement system with investment-based, worker-savings-funded accounts have been disastrous.
It has become common practice for U.S companies to thumb their nose at accounting standards in their earnings reports.
Never accept a wager offered by Warren Buffett and don’t sell when he’s buying (or vice versa).
The CFA Society of Indianapolis held its 2018 Annual Investment Forum this month, and a variety of invited speakers provided for an interesting day of discussion.
Pundits blamed the correction on fears over rising inflation/interest rates, a more “hawkish” Fed, and the breakdown of a misused option product used to place leveraged bets on market volatility.
When you consider that hedge-fund fees are often spread around among a host of “placement agents, you begin to understand why the hedge-fund industry has grown to near $3 trillion.
No situation illustrates both the benefit of analytics and curse of conventional wisdom than whether to “go for it” on fourth down in football.
In the 15 months after the presidential election, the stock market rose as if it were on rails. As the calendar turned to February, market volatility returned with a vengeance.
Aside from tremendous pure entertainment value, “Breaking Bad” taught important business and investing lessons.
With the United States perhaps in the later stages of an extended bull market, many pundits expect international and emerging stocks to outperform domestic stocks going forward.
The practice of tipping is ingrained in American culture but is a huge can of worms.
As stocks close in on completing the ninth year of the bull market, the recently enacted tax reform plan has acted as an accelerant. The reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent will add significantly to company profits. A key question is whether the lower tax rate will translate to […]
Headlines and talking heads are noise to be ignored.
In the current market environment, the enterprising investor would say year-end auto rebalancers are making the mistake of selling highly valued stocks, only to buy even more overpriced bonds.
“Greed,” “envy” and “pride” are three of the seven deadly sins, inflating not only the current bubble in Bitcoin but all the bubbles that came before and will follow.
ETFs can be designed to track any index or concept you can dream up. Today, a degree of silliness is showing up in many of the new ETF product offerings.
The end of 2017 is fast approaching, and it is a great time to do some financial housekeeping.
A great example of a management team that skillfully navigated the brutal economy of 2008-2009 and, over the ensuing nine years, grew a spectacular business is Elkhart’s Patrick Industries.