
Trade worries send stock market plunging

U.S. stocks took their biggest tumble in six weeks Thursday as investors reacted to the threat of an escalating trade war with China that has the potential to disrupt global growth.

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State set to unleash new venture funding

The Hogsett administration and the City-County Council are weighing whether to kill a little-known organization that has quietly worked the past two decades on the redevelopment of key downtown projects.

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Strong year bolsters battered Auer Fund

The Indianapolis-based mutual fund has posted cumulative returns of negative 0.43 percent since 2008. But things turned around in a big way last year, with 2017 returns of 28.75 percent.

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UPDATE: Stock market goes on another wild ride

n another stomach-churning day Tuesday, stocks plunged in the morning, then pulled off a late-afternoon rally, ending the day in positive territory and recouping some of the losses from the market's two-day plunge.

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