Poll: Many Americans see end of stock market surge
Americans aren't expecting another bang-up year for the stock market, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.
Americans aren't expecting another bang-up year for the stock market, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.
Their retirement programs are notably generous compared to the norm in private industry. But for federal workers hired after 2012, the pension program is turning less generous.
The maker of call center software has seen its stock price rocket from about $20 to $62 over the last 25 months. The runup has swelled the company’s market value from $400 million to $1.3 billion.
The owner of hundreds of retail properties landed on the Barron’s list of top stock picks for 2014, with the financial publication citing an improved outlook and an analyst upgrade.
Stocks rose sharply after the government reported a fourth straight month of solid U.S. job gains, the latest encouraging sign for the economy.
In a new brief, the government insists it pursued wiretaps in late 2009 only after investigating the business using less-invasive techniques for 7-1/2 months.
Herb Simon serves on the advisory board of an investment fund that is raising $100 million to buy minor league baseball teams.
Carmel has gained a publicly traded company large enough to knock retail legend J.C. Penney off the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.
Two investment analysts raised their ratings for Finish Line on Monday, saying the Indianapolis-based athletic shoe and clothing retailer has the opportunity for margin recovery and a stronger online performance.
J.C. Penney, which is trying to bounce back from its worst sales year in two decades, will be replaced by Carmel-based electronic security company Allegion, which is being spun off by Irish industrial conglomerate Ingersoll-Rand Plc.
The Cleveland law firm representing the bankruptcy Trustee Brian Bash is seeking approval for more than $11 million in fees.
The stock market broke through two milestones Monday before giving up nearly all its gains late in the day.
Attorneys for the Fair Finance trustee said Tim Durham's ex-wife, Joan SerVaas, has agreed to pay $100,000 and Bernard Durham, his adopted son, $10,000 to settle a lawsuit charging they accepted nearly $300,000 from the disgraced financier.
The stock opened at $45.10 a share on Thursday, 73 percent above its initial offering price. Tempering expectations was a big theme leading up to the IPO, but that flew out the window with the stock’s opening surge.
The case stems from a line of credit the Indianapolis businessman received from Tim Durham's Fair Finance Co. Attorneys for the failed company said Laikin amassed tens of millions of dollars in debt he never repaid.
Strong third-quarter results from technology companies drove investors into stocks on Friday, giving the market its third straight weekly gain.
Indiana pension officials say they want more information from lawmakers before they consider abandoning a plan to privatize one part of a retirement plan for teachers and public employees.
A legislative commission recommended Monday that pension officials scrap a proposal to privatize one part of the state retirement benefit system.
General Electric, Morgan Stanley and Google all rose after reporting higher earnings than financial analysts were expecting. Google topped $1,000 a share for the first time.
A third securities firm in the region has been slapped with sanctions by federal regulators.