
Hauke fraud victims to get $1M in initial restitution

Former money manager Keenan Hauke was sentenced in July 2012 to 10 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to running a Ponzi scheme that defrauded 67 investors of $7.1 million. Even more victims have emerged since the sentencing.

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Omnicity lured teen to invest, state says

State securities regulators allege that principals of Omnicity Corp. goaded a 19-year-old to invest $100,000 from his inheritance into the wireless broadband firm so that it could clinch the purchase of an Ohio carrier in 2010.

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Brokerage giant settles discrimination lawsuit

Hundreds of black financial advisers have reached a $160 million settlement in a lawsuit accusing Wall Street brokerage giant Merrill Lynch of racial discrimination, a plaintiffs' attorney said Wednesday.

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NCAA investment portfolio climbs to $527 million

College sports’ governing body grew its investment portfolio to $527 million for the year ended June 30, with an 11-percent gain in its $304.5 million quasi-endowment and an 8.8-percent return in its $222.5 million operating reserve.

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SEC accuses Indy cancer firm of being a sham

The SEC says the CEO of locally based biomedical firm Xytos Inc. has committed securities fraud
since 2010 by repeatedly publishing false information to investors about the company. Timothy Cook denies the accusations.

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NASDAQ breakdown ramps pressure to take actions

The latest high-tech disruption in the financial markets ratchets up the pressure on NASDAQ and other electronic exchanges to take steps to avoid future breakdowns and manage them better if they do occur.

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City Securities’ stumble opens door to rivals

City Securities Corp. has dominated the Indiana municipal bond market for decades, but the firm’s recent $580,000 settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission could give issuers pause and competitors a foot in the door in the underwriting business.

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CNO Financial gung-ho on share buybacks

The Carmel-based financial services company said that, during the second quarter, it repurchased $59.4 million of its securities, including 4.4 million common shares for $50 million.

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New front opens in family battle over Mel Simon fortune

Bren Simon is pushing hard for a distribution from the estate now, citing as precedent an Indiana Court of Appeals ruling in another case that “as a matter of policy, beneficiaries should not be starved of distributions to which they are undisputably entitled.”

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City Securities paying $580,000 to settle SEC probe

The SEC said the Indianapolis investment firm and a southern Indiana school district made false statements to bond investors. The agency also said the head of City's municipal bond division, Randy Ruhl, provided improper gifts to bond issuers.

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Faithful are victims at both ends of church scam

Nearly a decade after the government took over an Indiana brokerage firm whose leaders scammed more than 10,000 devout investors out of millions of dollars, officials are still trying to get their money back without forcing congregations out of their houses of worship.

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