
IRS workers to receive bonuses of 1 percent

A Treasury Department investigation concluded that previous bonuses totaling $2.8 million had gone to more than 2,800 employees found to have broken agency rules of conduct, including 1,100 employees who owed back taxes.

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IRS head says no obstruction of Congress in probe

The head of the Internal Revenue Service brushed aside accusations Monday that the agency has obstructed investigations into the targeting of tea party and other political groups, even as Republican lawmakers questioned his credibility.

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Chances of getting audited by IRS lowest in years

Budget cuts and new responsibilities are straining the Internal Revenue Service's ability to police tax returns. This year, the IRS will have fewer agents auditing returns than at any time since at least the 1980s.

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Commuter subsidies often go unnoticed

In a dark little corner of the tax code known as Section 132(f), the IRS lets employers provide tax-free benefits—typically, payroll deductions and/or subsidies—to employees for commuting costs. That includes vans, buses, bikes, trains, and even parking. And both parties can save, since they’re not getting dinged for their respective taxes on the amount of the benefit.

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