
ITT Educational, for-profit peers reaped $521M from military

Twenty for-profit colleges—led by Carmel-based ITT Educational Services—reaped $521 million in U.S. taxpayer funds in 2010 by recruiting armed-services members and veterans through misleading marketing, according to a Congressional report released Thursday.

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Proposal: Link federal aid to performance of ITT, peers

The Obama administration released a proposal that would tighten for-profit colleges’ access to federal student aid,
threatening an industry that received $26.5 billion in U.S. funds last year. Carmel-based ITT Educational Services
is among those potentially affected.

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Senator: For-profit colleges require tougher oversight

For-profit colleges like ITT Technical Institutes need tougher oversight and regulation, according to a report from a Democratic
Senate committee chairman that questions the industry’s advertising spending, tuition costs and reliance on taxpayer

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New federal rules target for-profit college recruiting

The Obama administration proposed banning for-profit colleges, including Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc., from
tying recruiters’ pay to the number of people they enroll, saying high-pressure sales tactics induced students to take
out government loans they can’t afford.

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