Indiana bill would tap savings to fix $11.8M school-funding shortfall
Indiana lawmakers have a proposal to shuffle state money around to cover an $11.8 million shortfall in school funding that emerged late last year.
Indiana lawmakers have a proposal to shuffle state money around to cover an $11.8 million shortfall in school funding that emerged late last year.
District leaders said that in the face of declining state and federal funding, raising property taxes is the only tool IPS has to fund teacher raises, building maintenance, busing and quality special ed programs.
An Indianapolis private school dedicated to promoting racial and economic integration is planning to grow by 50 percent in the coming years.
The statewide hotline run by Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology also will begin collecting information from tutoring sessions to help identify students’ knowledge gaps.
The governor called the performance of one of the biggest online schools, Indiana Virtual, “unsatisfactory.” It has received more than $20 million in state funding while graduating about 61 students.
Indiana education officials are set to vote on a plan that would overhaul the state’s high school graduation requirements. On Tuesday, many educators and parents from across the state spoke out strongly against it.
Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick laid out her agenda for the upcoming year on Tuesday, listing priorities ahead of the next General Assembly.
Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lewis Ferebee is getting a $4,701 raise and a bonus of $28,000.
If the school board votes to restart the two schools, the current principals and teachers would be removed, and a charter operator or nonprofit will be brought in to run them.
Raises will range from $400 per year for experienced teachers to nearly $2,400 per year for teachers in their third year.
The decision to withhold the information comes as the public prepares to comment on whether the state should take control of the financially struggling Muncie Community Schools.
Ray Henderson, who operates the boutique advisory firm Lessons Learned Ventures LLC, said he has joined the board of VeriCite as chairman with plans to “build the business in Indiana.”
An Indiana panel working to create new graduation guidelines for the state's high schools has recommended getting rid of the graduation qualifying exam requirement.
Gov. Eric Holcomb said there would be “no more stove-pipe approach,” referring to criticisms by some legislative leaders that the workforce development system is convoluted and divided into isolated silos.
Indiana Virtual School has attracted thousands of students but graduated very few. A Chalkbeat Indiana investigation found the school’s founder hired his own company to manage the school, for which it received millions of dollars.
Byron Ernest worked for K12 Inc., one of the nation’s largest online school providers. Hoosier Academies contracts with K12 to manage its schools.
Kim Brand’s venture into the 3D-printing world has led him deep into the education world, and he has some strong opinions about how it works and what it needs.
The “Grow with Google” tour will offer free workshops and one-on-one coaching for job seekers, students, teachers and entrepreneurs.
Indiana was set to move ahead with a new company to create a test to replace ISTEP, but a rejected competitor threw a wrench into the process.
Innovation schools are receiving higher marks in general because Indiana lawmakers decided to judge those schools by a more generous yardstick than others. But the two-tiered system could be short-lived.