Effort to unify Marion County school calendars fails
A major barrier was the fact that different local unions represent the teachers in different districts, and those union contracts didn’t match up in a variety of ways.
A major barrier was the fact that different local unions represent the teachers in different districts, and those union contracts didn’t match up in a variety of ways.
The Indianapolis City-County Council’s finance committee voted to table funding for Mayor Greg Ballard’s $50 million preschool expansion plan and quickly adjourned a three-hour meeting Tuesday night despite protests.
CEO Doug Oberhelman said Tuesday that government overhauls and an aggressive economic development policy have made the state among the most attractive for investment.
Eli Lilly and Co. executives on Friday repeated their plea to local businesses to support early childhood education, highlighting the work force development and crime-reduction benefits associated with the effort.
Rattled by new state teacher ratings, the colleges hope to avoid black eyes, themselves.
Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz is also asking for a 3-percent increase in education spending.
The State Board of Education will pay $15,000 to resolve allegations it used email to circumvent legal requirements.
The State Board of Education approved new rules Wednesday for teacher licensing that make it easier for college graduates without education degrees to get jobs in Indiana classrooms.
The endowment hopes to expand educational MBA programs, including one at the University of Indianapolis, to give business skills to more principals and superintendents at Indiana public schools.
With the school year underway, teachers are still scrambling to bring themselves and their students up to speed on the state's new education standards only months before students take a revamped, high-stakes exam assessing their grasp of the new curriculum.
Thanks to $40,000 donated by the Indianapolis Colts, USA Football’s Heads Up Football safety program will be offered to all Indiana high school football coaches in 2015.
The U.S. Department of Education on Thursday granted a one-year extension of Indiana's waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind education law after the state resolved concerns.
Indiana's largest teachers union is urging Gov. Mike Pence to support freezing the state's education accountability system for one year because of revisions to the ISTEP test being driven by the state's new academic standards.
ADI Schools Inc. on Friday announced plans to relinquish charters awarded to Andrew Academy and Padua Academy charter schools. Both schools were sponsored by Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard.
The Flanner House Elementary charter school will close on Sept. 11 after the Indiana Department of Education found evidence of widespread cheating on the state standardized ISTEP test. The school has 176 students.
A former top education official's role in the sale of $1.7 million of equipment to Indiana is raising new questions about the strength of the state's ethics laws.
Indiana teachers and students starting the new school year will have to quickly get up to speed on the state's new academic standards, drafted only months ago to replace the national Common Core standards.
Indiana’s state schools superintendent says she has reached a $3 million settlement with CTB/McGraw-Hill after disruptions to standardized tests last year.
Performance among Indiana's charter schools on the 2014 ISTEP tests ran the gamut from low passing rates to rates similar to the state's best public schools.
State education officials say 74.7 percent of students passed both the math and English tests—up one percentage point from 2013.