
Growing school districts drop funding lawsuit

Three Indiana school districts, including Hamilton Southeastern and Franklin Township, are dropping a lawsuit against the state that claimed the method for distributing school funding treated growing districts unfairly.

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Legislating pay: Description of Senate Bill 1

Senate Bill 1, which takes effect July 1, will make teacher pay far more complex. To determine a teacher’s annual pay increase, school districts now can count experience and education as no more than 33 percent of the compensation equation.

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New laws hang teacher pay on performance

Charters and vouchers may have sparked the loudest education-related protests before the Legislature this year, but changes to teacher evaluations are likely to have the biggest impact on Indiana’s public schools.

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Simon academies shopping for higher profile

The Simon Youth Foundation is looking to become a leading national advocate of alternative education. With a new president, J. Michael Durnil, the foundation hopes to raise more money, find more partners in the business community, and help the public better understand its mission.

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