
Mayor’s charter schools director to leave

Karega Rausch will become the Indianapolis director of Stand for Children, an Oregon-based not-for-profit that pushes education reform through grass-roots organizing and legislative lobbying.

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Flexibility eases pain of principal’s departure

Carlotta Watch VideoThe abrupt departure of Indianapolis Metropolitan High School's dynamic principal, Carlotta Cooprider, had the potential to deal a major blow to the 430-student charter school. But school administrators, parents and students say the transition was mostly seamless.

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State GOP pushing expansive voucher program

Indiana's Republican leadership is pushing ahead with a proposal that would be the nation's broadest use of school vouchers, allowing even middle-class families to use taxpayer money to send their kids to private schools.

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Senate panel considers proposal to expand charters

The Senate Education Committee heard hours of testimony about the bill and details of a new study that found Indiana students who transferred to charter schools showed greater learning gains than their peers who stayed in traditional public schools.

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