
Roche to add 50 HR employees in Indianapolis

Swiss health care giant Roche Holding AG has selected its diagnostics division in Indianapolis as the site for a new North America human resources center, a move that will add 50 employees to its local operations.

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NFL sees signs fans are turned off during lockout

Ten weeks into the owners' lockout of the players, the NFL is seeing the early signs of cracks in fan loyalty. "Fans want certainty," Commissioner Roger Goodell said Wednesday at the end of the league's spring meetings in Indianapolis.

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Bill on teacher union rights heads to governor

A bill to restrict Indiana teachers' collective bargaining rights has cleared its final legislative hurdle, becoming the first part of Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels' sweeping education agenda to make it to the governor's desk.

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HICKS: Right-to-work laws make economic sense

There is abundant research on the economic effects of right-to-work laws by economists of both the right and left. The results are pretty clear that right-to-work legislation leads to increased employment.

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U.S. unemployment rate falls to two-year low

The nation added 216,000 jobs last month, with private employers adding more than 200,000 jobs for a second straight month. However, a big factor in the lower jobless rate is that many people who stopped looking for jobs still aren’t looking for one.

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State unemployment rate drops to 8.8 percent

The February decline marks the first time the state’s jobless rate has been below 9 percent since December 2008. Still, the state lost 1,600 private-sector jobs and 6,300 government jobs in February.

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Deputy prosecutor suggested fake attack on Wisconsin gov.

Johnson County Prosecutor Brad Cooper said one of his deputies resigned Thursday after admitting he sent an email to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker suggesting the Republican fake an attack on himself to discredit the public employee unions protesting his plan to strip them of nearly all collective bargaining rights.

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