
Zyprexa appeal rejected by Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to revive a bid to press a $6.8 billion class-action suit against Eli Lilly and Co. over the marketing of Zyprexa, the company’s schizophrenia treatment.

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Planned Parenthood defunding blocked

Planned Parenthood of Indiana expects to resume offering services to Medicaid patients following a judge's ruling that the state is not allowed to cut off the organization's public funding for general health services solely because it also provides abortions.

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Tomisue Hilbert settles suit over $15M policy

Tomisue Hilbert quietly settled a 3-year-old lawsuit last month over whether a controversial life insurance policy issued in 2006 on her mother, Suzy Tomlinson, was valid, and whether the beneficiary of the policy, J.B. Carlson, committed fraud.

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State elections chief tells commission he didn’t lie

Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White painted a picture of himself as a man with a complicated personal life that led him to use dual addresses but he denied ever providing false information as he defended himself Tuesday against voter fraud allegations.

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High court bars massive sex bias case against Wal-Mart

The Supreme Court blocked the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit in U.S. history on Monday, siding with Wal-Mart and against up to 1.6 million female workers in a decision that also makes it harder to mount large-scale bias claims against the nation's other huge companies.

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White blames transient time for voting allegations

Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White on Tuesday is expected to paint a picture of a man with a complicated personal life who was essentially without a home for nearly a year when he defends himself against voter fraud allegations.

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Towing companies sue city over contracts

The plaintiffs claim the city violated the bid process by awarding contracts to companies that didn’t meet the requirements. They’re asking for an injunction to prevent the contracts from taking effect.

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Feds support Planned Parenthood in defunding case

The U.S. Justice Department entered the court battle over a tough new Indiana abortion law that disqualifies Planned Parenthood of Indiana from the Medicaid program, siding with the organization in its request Thursday for a court order blocking the statute as unconstitutional.

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Accountants lose court battle with former firm

A Marion County judge ruled against three former partners in a local accounting firm who were trying to collect the full amount of their stock ownership after they left the company to start a rival firm.

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Fair Finance trustee sues National Lampoon

Fair Finance Co.’s bankruptcy trustee this week sued National Lampoon Inc. seeking to recover millions of dollars that indicted financier Tim Durham provided the ailing Los Angeles-based comedy business over the past decade.

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Arguments filed in Planned Parenthood case

A federal judge received final arguments Tuesday in Planned Parenthood of Indiana's request to block a tough new abortion law that makes Indiana the first state disqualifying the organization from providing general health services under Medicaid and taking away $1.4 million of its public funding.

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Federal judge dismisses Brightpoint fraud suit

A London-based hedge fund sued Brightpoint over a $10 million loan it alleged the Indianapolis-based mobile phone distributor fraudulently brokered in anticipation of an acquisition that never materialized.

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