
Indiana official out of job after ‘live ammo’ tweet

An Indiana deputy attorney general "is no longer employed" by the state after Mother Jones magazine reported he tweeted that police should use live ammunition against Wisconsin labor protesters, the attorney general's office said Wednesday.

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E-mails detail Fair Finance partner’s money woes

E-mails filed in bankruptcy court this week show that Fair Finance Co. co-owner Jim Cochran spent money with such abandon that by 2008 he was living off credit cards and imploring CEO Tim Durham to more than double his salary to $1 million.

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Elevator company wants indemnity from IRT

An Illinois elevator company wants a judge to force the Indiana Repertory Theatre to protect it from liability in a lawsuit brought by a catering worker who fell down the elevator shaft at the downtown theater in 2007.

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Former Colts player charged in $1M theft case

Former Indianapolis Colts quarterback Art Schlichter, whose NFL career was derailed by a gambling addiction, was charged Monday with stealing more than $1 million from a 68-year-old woman in suburban Columbus, Ohio.

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