
Appeals court strips judgment for Emmis, rules for insurer

A federal appeals court has reversed a breach-of-contract ruling for Indianapolis-based media company Emmis Communications Corp. arising from a shareholder dispute. Emmis had sought more than $4 million in legal fees that its insurer refused to cover.

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Wedding-venue chain founder must fork over cash amid fraud claim

An entrepreneur accused of running a Ponzi scheme to expand a network of luxury event venues was ordered to surrender a chunk of proceeds from the sale of his $2.4 million home while retirees who invested millions of dollars in a proposed facility in Carmel pursue legal claims.

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NRA sues ex-president North, saying he harmed organization

The National Rifle Association has sued its former president, Oliver North, for what it called “conduct harmful to the NRA” as turmoil that was exposed publicly when North resigned two months ago continued Thursday when the organization also turned against its longtime chief lobbyist.

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