Fishers company agrees to pay $5.5M in concrete case
Builder’s Concrete & Supply will pay the amount as part of a larger $60 million settlement lawyers reached with seven companies
accused of fixing concrete prices.
Builder’s Concrete & Supply will pay the amount as part of a larger $60 million settlement lawyers reached with seven companies
accused of fixing concrete prices.
Federal judge disagrees with Duke Realty Corp. and sides with attorneys representing plaintiffs in class-action suit.
Former Junior Achievement CEO Jeff Miller says Mayor Greg Ballard was about to hire him as a senior policy adviser, but comments
by Central Indiana Community Foundation President Brian Payne and current CEO Jennifer Burk ruined the offer.
A group that sets standards for motorsports equipment intends to yank its approval of gear produced by Impact Racing, the
Brownsburg company owned by industry pioneer Bill Simpson, amid allegations of counterfeiting.
In an effort to crack down on knockoffs, famous handbag designer Coach Inc. has hit at least three local retailers with trademark-infringement
The Murat Temple Association is a Shriners affiiate that owns the Murat Centre, which on March 16 was renamed the “Old National
Centre” in a three-year deal between the bank and Live Nation.
State attorney general says the federal health care law raises serious constitutional questions, including whether Congress
has the authority to enact a mandate that most Americans purchase health insurance.
A local lawyer who created the game “Chronology” alleges breach of contract, trademark infringement, use of a counterfeit
mark, unfair competition, copyright infringement, trademark dilution and forgery.
Duke Realty is fighting a request to award an additional $9.7 million in attorneys' fees, calling the amount excessive.
Judge William J. Hughes ruled Deborah Simon failed to make her claim with “sufficient specificity.”
Victor George filed suit in federal court, alleging Junior Achievement failed to properly remit money to his retirement and
health-savings accounts.
The protective order will allow David Simon and Cynthia Simon-Skjodt access to records, even though they aren’t plaintiffs.
A Hamilton County judge says Mel Simon’s widow can’t cash in partnership units worth more than $500 million.
Parties disagreed over public disclosure in the first major court hearing in the dispute over how to divide the billionaire's
Pledges to St. Vincent, Indianapolis Museum of Art should be paid by trusts, foundations affiliated with Bren Simon, court
papers allege.
A federal trustee will take control of the company’s assets while securities-fraud probes continue.
The 178-member union is suing to preserve its arbitration rights, and possibly win back the jobs of eight people who were
let go last summer.
Mike Ciresi, who’s representing widow Bren Simon, helped win a $6 billion settlement from the tobacco industry.
Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel on Tuesday announced an $18.5 million settlement of a lawsuit with Eli Lilly &
Co. over off-label marketing of the anti-psychotic drug Zyprexa.
Locally based Broadbent Co.’s legal battles with lenders have escalated, pushing one of its 34 strip malls into bankruptcy
and prompting Huntington National Bank and PNC Bank to sue to collect principal owed on loans tied to four more.