
Fair victim settlement shields Indiana from company

Indiana lawmakers presented their decision to offer an additional $6 million to victims of a deadly stage collapse at last year's state fair as a way to help those who weren't adequately compensated by its first settlement. But buried in the legislation was a clause protecting the state from having to pay even more.

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Couple works to bring good from wedding day crash

Tom and Lauren Hanley's wedding day turned tragic two years ago when a traffic accident killed a groomsman and injured others in their bridal party. The Indianapolis couple is now using some of their settlement in a lawsuit from the crash to support a mutual passion.

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Deadline arrives for Indiana fair disaster claims

Victims of the deadly stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair faced a Wednesday deadline to make claims against a $13.2 million settlement offer from the state and two private companies, but it could be weeks before they learn their share of the money and even whether the deal will go forward.

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Indiana backs off defense of new immigration law

The state attorney general's office said Tuesday that it no longer will defend most of the disputed portions of Indiana's new immigration law, as they were rendered invalid when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down similar parts of an Arizona law in June.

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Emmis shareholders fight bylaw changes on dividends

Investors asked U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker in Indianapolis for an order blocking a special meeting at which Emmis shareholders will be asked to approve bylaw changes wiping out more than $34 million in accrued and unpaid preferred stock dividends.

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Legal drama over Duke Energy merger lingers

The investigations into whether regulators and consumers were misled in the run-up to the merger of North Carolina's two Fortune 500 energy companies could continue quietly for months after a deadline arrives next week.

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McKesson to pay $151M to settle drug-pricing suit

Twenty-nine states, including Indiana, have reached a $151 million settlement in a lawsuit alleging one of the country's largest drug wholesalers inflated prices for hundreds of prescription drugs, officials said Friday.

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Indiana can’t collect on IBM welfare lawsuit, judge rules

Indiana cannot collect millions of dollars it claims IBM owed after its efforts to overhaul the state’s welfare system failed, and the computer giant is entitled to payment for equipment the state kept, a judge said in a Wednesday ruling that condemned both sides.

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Mother of man shot to death at Kroger files suit

Jeremi Atkinson was fatally shot in December by a Kroger manager during what prosecutors determined was an attempted robbery. A federal lawsuit filed by Toni Atkinson claims the supermarket chain was negligent for not enforcing a firearms policy.

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Bar owners challenging smoking ban seek injunction

The 10 Indianapolis business owners want a federal judge to prevent the city of Indianapolis from enforcing new public smoking restrictions until a ruling is made on their lawsuit. Their original complaint claims the ordinance violates parts of the U.S. Constitution.

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Browning ordered to testify over Duke Energy CEO’s ouster

Indianapolis real estate developer and Duke Energy Corp. director Michael Browning has been ordered to appear Friday before the North Carolina Utilities Commission, which is investigating the unexpected ouster of the utility’s new CEO just hours after the company merged with Progress Energy Inc.

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Zoeller goes after closed Allcare Dental chain

A chain of dental offices that abruptly closed multiple Indiana locations in December 2010 left patients without care, refunds or records, according to a complaint filed by the Office of the Indiana Attorney General.

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