
City, billboard company reach court agreement over digital signs

Billboard company GEFT Outdoor LLC and the city of Indianapolis have agreed to a court settlement that will allow the company to operate two local digital billboards while sparing the city any financial liability for a former sign ordinance that was found to be unconstitutional

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Hustler Hollywood sues city over zoning roadblocks

Beverly Hills-based Hustler Hollywood says city officials are incorrectly classifying its planned Castleton store as an adult business, which is preventing it from opening its doors. It filed suit over the denial on Thursday.

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Indianapolis doctor wins defamation judgment against CVS

An Indianapolis physician whose patients were told at multiple CVS Pharmacy stores that their prescriptions couldn’t be filled because the doctor had been arrested or was suspected of running a "pill mill" won a defamation judgment against the drugstore chain.

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Fair Finance CFO seeks reduction of sentence

Rick D. Snow—who was convicted in 2012 of helping Tim Durham and Jim Cochran loot Fair Finance Co. but didn’t raid the company’s coffers himself—is seeking to get his 10-year sentence reduced.

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