Prosecutors to seek ban on over-the-counter pseudoephedrine
Prosecutors urged Indiana legislators Wednesday to ban over-the-counter sales of a common cold medicine used to make methamphetamine and to stiffen sentences for convicted drug dealers.
Prosecutors urged Indiana legislators Wednesday to ban over-the-counter sales of a common cold medicine used to make methamphetamine and to stiffen sentences for convicted drug dealers.
Prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence the former director of an Indianapolis-based foundation created by longtime Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 35 years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervised release.
ITT lawyers are zeroing in on cleaning up the legal quagmire—and they’re starting to have success. Without admitting liability, ITT in November reached agreements to settle securities lawsuits in Indiana and New York for a total of $29.5 million, with $25 million to be paid from the company’s insurance coverage.
The largest beer and wine wholesaler in Indiana is asking a state appeals court to find a law unconstitutional that prohibits beer wholesalers from seeking a permit to also distribute liquor.
An Indianapolis lawyer was disbarred for stealing from clients, “disclosing client confidences for purposes of both retaliation and amusement, threatening and intimidating his office staff (and) lying pervasively to all comers,” the Indiana Supreme Court said.
A lawsuit filed by the Indiana Attorney General's Office alleges that Green Frog Restoration owners James Twaddle and Wanda VanWinkle received more than $280,000 from Indianapolis-area residents for work that they never completed.
Cornelius “Lee” Alig has agreed to plead guilty to two of 20 felony counts and pay restitution of $321,000.
The suit filed on behalf of the Indianapolis-based not-for-profit Exodus Refugee Immigration accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Indianapolis used car dealer Circle City Auto Exchange Inc. and its affiliates were sued by the state Monday for allegedly selling “total loss” vehicles to customers without proper disclosures.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt on Thursday sentenced Jared Fogle to more federal prison time than prosecutors requested after testimony detailing the former Subway pitchman’s penchant for pornography, prostitutes and prepubescent girls.
A psychiatrist said Thursday during the sentencing hearing for Jared Fogle that the former Subway pitchman suffers from hypersexuality, pedophilia, and alcohol abuse and dependency.
The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Houston is intended to protect the phrase “Home of the 12th Man” and variations of it that the university contends have brought its fan base “national renown.”
Federal prosecutors have filed court documents saying they will seek the maximum agreed-upon sentence for former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle, who has agreed to plead guilty to child pornography and sex-crime charges. Fogle’s attorneys are seeking five years.
The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from the city of Cleveland over its formula for taxing visiting athletes. The decision upholds a court victory by retired Colt Jeff Saturday and ex-Bear Hunter Hillenmeyer.
Brent Dickson, who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 75 in July, was appointed to the Supreme Court in January 1986 and served as chief justice from May 2012 to August 2014.
Starting Nov. 1, courts, probation and parole officers and community correction managers were able to begin referring eligible felons to designated drug and mental health treatment centers instead of to jail or prison.
The unanimous Indiana Supreme Court decision found that messages on state-issued license plates amount to government speech, not constitutionally protected personal speech.
Mel Simon sold his stake in the Indiana Pacers to his brother Herb in February 2009, seven months before Mel's death. Lots of legal questions are swirling around the deal six years later.
Pierre Garcon, who now plays for the Washington Redskins, and his lawyers accused the Manhattan-based FanDuel of exploiting him and other National Football League players to grow its business.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two foster parents against the director of the Indiana Department of Child Services' Central Eligibility Unit over adoption subsidies.