
House speaker seeks jobs panel, preschool funding

Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma plans to spearhead efforts to create a new statewide jobs council and give families scholarships so children can attend preschool as part of an agenda focused on fighting Indiana’s stubborn unemployment rate by closing the state’s “skills gap.”

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Indiana House panel backs sentencing-laws overhaul

A sweeping plan to overhaul Indiana's criminal sentencing laws cleared its first hurdle in the Legislature on Wednesday with the support of law-enforcement groups that had scuttled similar efforts the past two years.

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Bill could be hurdle for proposed $2.8B synthetic gas plant

Under the legislation, state utility regulators could order Indiana Gasification LLC to make refunds to gas customers every three years if the price of synthetic gas it produces from coal is greater than the market price of natural gas over the period.

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Ballard nixes new redistricting plan for Council

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Friday vetoed a City-County Council redistricting plan, likely setting the stage for a lengthy court battle. He wants to stick with the lines drawn by Republicans in late 2011, before newly elected Democrats took control.

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No deal in sight as deadline for fiscal cliff nears

Lawmakers are engaged in a playground game of "who goes first," daring each political party to let the year end without resolving a Jan. 1 confluence of higher taxes and deep spending cuts that could rattle a recovering, but-still-fragile economy.

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Indiana senator seeks ‘truth in education’ law

Senate Education Committee chairman Dennis Kruse said he would not introduce a creationism measure again this year, choosing a lighter tack instead. His new proposal, he said, would encourage students to question a broad range of topics in the classroom.

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Lawmaker seeks funding to tackle abandoned housing

State Rep. Ed Clere plans to introduce a bill that would give municipalities explicit powers to create land banks, which can sell surplus property for redevelopment. He also wants to include a revenue source to support land-bank operations and eliminate tax-foreclosure sales as a form of investor speculation.

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Mass-transit advocates make headway in new Legislature

The $1.3 billion transit plan for Hamilton and Marion counties is one of a few lingering issues — along with Sunday alcohol sales and a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage — likely to appear before lawmakers in 2013.

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Indiana House GOP makes no guarantees on tax cuts

Tax cuts being pushed by gubernatorial candidates are hardly guaranteed a rubber stamp from lawmakers, and a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage could win quick approval next year, Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday.

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Indiana legislators want to defend immigration law

Three state senators say Indiana's attorney general effectively nullified their votes when he opted not to defend sections of a state immigration law he said were rendered invalid when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down similar sections of an Arizona law.

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