
Common sense might not keep you from being carded

The revised law that takes effect July 1 requires that only those who appear to be younger than 40 show ID when buying alcohol. But some retailers who embraced the stricter provisions say they're not ready to give customers the benefit of the doubt.

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Governor vetoes forfeiture legislation

Gov. Mitch Daniels has vetoed legislation that would have sent the bulk of funds seized from criminals to prosecutors and police, rather than the Indiana Common School Fund.

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New laws hang teacher pay on performance

Charters and vouchers may have sparked the loudest education-related protests before the Legislature this year, but changes to teacher evaluations are likely to have the biggest impact on Indiana’s public schools.

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Controversial utility bill heads to governor

Opponents say the legislation shifts clean-energy risks to ratepayers and protects utility shareholders. Utilities say they need the legislation to help them comply with federal pollution mandates.

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Indiana poised to cut Planned Parenthood funding

The Indiana House voted 66-32 Wednesday to approve a bill cutting the $3 million in federal money the state distributes to the organization for family planning and health programs. The Senate approved the measure earlier this month.

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Judge orders Indiana recount chief into court

A judge Monday ordered the head of the Indiana Recount Commission to appear before him this week to explain why the panel has not moved more quickly in considering whether Republican Secretary of State Charlie White was a valid candidate when he won election last fall.

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Indiana lawmakers face busy final week

Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma says Indiana lawmakers are on track to finish their work on time as the legislative session draws to an end this week despite a five-week boycott by House Democrats.

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GOP forges ahead with Indiana redistricting

Republicans who now fully control the Legislature and the redistricting process say they've followed their commitment to draw new districts that are compact and avoid splitting up cities and counties.

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