
House OKs defense bill that funds Rolls Royce engine

Despite a vaguely worded veto threat by President Barack Obama, the House on Thursday easily adopted a major defense
policy bill that calls for continued development of a costly alternative engine for the Pentagon’s next-generation fighter

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EDITORIAL: Indiana’s Sunday booze ban should be tossed

Sunday is the second-busiest grocery-shopping day of the week in Indiana, but there’s one product Hoosiers aren’t
allowed to put in their shopping carts that day even though it’s perfectly legal the rest of the week. That’s
because an archaic blue law prohibits carryout liquor sales on Sundays.

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Indiana expects jobless fund troubles until 2015

Indiana officials say it will take longer to resolve the state’s bankrupt unemployment insurance fund’s funding troubles
than projected when a law designed to start fixing the system was enacted in April.

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Rokita proposes new plan for redistricting

Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita pitched a plan today that would make it illegal for lawmakers to consider political
data when redrawing congressional and legislative district maps.

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State law aims to attract doctors to areas in need of care

A state law that went into effect July 1 attempts to attract young physicians and mental health practitioners to underserved
areas by forgiving part of their student loans. But Indiana’s budget woes prevented lawmakers from allocating funds
to support the program.

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Manufacturers to help pay for TV, computer recycling

The Indiana Recycling Coalition scored big in the just-concluded session of the Indiana General Assembly with the passage
of House Bill 1589, which requires that electronics manufacturers help pay for recycling of their old televisions and computer

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