
Manufacturers to help pay for TV, computer recycling

The Indiana Recycling Coalition scored big in the just-concluded session of the Indiana General Assembly with the passage
of House Bill 1589, which requires that electronics manufacturers help pay for recycling of their old televisions and computer

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Fiscal crisis calls for drastic measure

Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels will call the Legislature into special session to pass an acceptable budget, but some legislators think a budget that would satisfy the governor cannot be crafted by the contentious partisans in this developing fiasco.

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Prepare for Indiana’s low-carbon economy

No doubt the transition to a low-carbon economy will bring great challenges for Hoosier businesses, given how carbon-intensive
our society is. However, if we take proactive steps, Indiana can emerge as a standout success story.

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Critics: Tax hike ‘defies logic’

Critics say the Legislature’s plan to shore up the insolvent Indiana Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund places the bulk of the financial
burden on already ailing businesses with the least ability to pay.

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System meltdown at the Statehouse

Lawmakers sometimes do their best work right after an election, when they have a fresh victory in hand and can think beyond
their political self-interest. Not this time.

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General Assembly is shame of Indiana

When we read that all the Democrats in the House voted against all the Republicans in the House on a given issue, we know independence has been cruelly killed by the leadership of each party. The same applies to the Senate.

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CIB’s deficit is a state problem, not a local one

Casting the CIB’s deficit as an Indianapolis problem is simplistic and inaccurate because it overlooks the millions of dollars in state tax revenue generated by those venues and an endless list of vendors that do business with them.

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Detroit reminds us not to squander what we have

My prevailing thoughts upon returning from Detroit were how fortunate Indianapolis is when it comes to hosting these kinds of events, and how a thriving downtown is essential to (A) success of the region and (B) national perception.

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