
Report: State political leader had millions on the line

Documents show House Speaker Pro Tem Eric Turner earned nearly $8 million selling nursing homes in the last two years and stands to earn between $1 million and $2 million on projects now being developed, thanks in part to legislation he helped block this year.

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ANALYSIS: Turner stood to lose big in Statehouse fight

A top Indiana lawmaker, his family and investors in their company risked losing millions in future profits if a proposed ban on construction of new nursing homes in Indiana had become law this year, an Associated Press review has found.

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Manufacturers help drive recycling bill to passage

A state lawmaker who co-authored legislation setting a goal for Indiana to eventually recycle at least half of its municipal waste says the state's resource-hungry manufacturing industry was a key to the bill's passage this year.

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Mass transit bill creates fuzzy path forward

Local governments finally have the authority to build a mass-transit system, but they also have work to do and questions to answer before they can ask voters to pay for new rapid-transit lines and expanded bus service.

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Governor picks up pace on bill signings

Gov. Mike Pence continued signing into law measures dealing with everything from adoption to control of feral cat populations as the clock wound down on taking action on bills from the 2014 session.

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Caucus secrecy cloaks important legislative moves

A private caucus fight over nursing home construction during the final days of the 2014 session ultimately spurred House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, to call for an investigation into whether one of his own caucus members violated state ethics rules.

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Democrats seek ethics investigation of Turner

Democratic Party Chairman John Zody asked Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma on Tuesday to investigate whether Republican Rep. Eric Turner of Cicero violated House ethics rules in fighting a nursing home ban this session.

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